niedziela, 25 grudnia 2016

The last story - The Catalan

El cavaller valent
Hi havia una vegada un cavaller que era molt valent i vivia amb una princesa. Un dia van vindre uns dolents. Al cavaller no li feia cap gràcia lluitar contra ells, però no hi havia cap altra opció, així que va lluitar  contra ells i els va guanyar. Li van dir que tornarien, però aquesta vegada més forts, tal com ho van dir ho van fer i van tornar més forts. Un dia es van plantar davant del cavaller i li van dir avui és el dia per lluitar. El cavaller va treure l’espasa i va començar a lluitar, els va guanyar però li va costar molt. Per sorpresa es van emportar la princesa i el cavaller es va enfadar molt. Els dies anaven passant i ell no sabia res de la princesa, però cada dia entrenava fort per poder lluitar amb els dolents i poder recuperar-la.

The brave Knight
Once upon a time there was a brave knight who lived with a wonderful princess.
One day some bad knights came to the castle. The brave knight doesn’t want to fight against them, but there wasn’t any other way, so he fought against them and won them.
The bad knights told him that they will come back stronger than now.
Some weeks later the bad knights came back as what they told to the brave knight the first time they fought.
Then the brave knight took his sword and raised it against and fought, it was really difficult, but it was victorious.
But the surprise was that they took the princess away, the brave knight was really angry.

Days went on but the knight hasn’t news from his princess, but every day he trains to become stronger to save his princess.

Den modige ridderen – kapittel 2
Den slemme ridderen som hadde tatt prinsessen, vill gifte seg med henne. Men det sa hun nei til. Da ble den slemme ridderen rasende og stengte henne inne i et tårn i borgen sin. Hver dag sto den vakre prinsessen og speidet etter ridderen sin. Hun visste han ville komme for å redde henne.
Da den tapre ridderen hadde trent lenge nok til at han følte seg veldig sterk dro han av sted for å redde prinsessen. Han visste ikke hvor hun ble holdt fanget. Han gikk inn i skogen. Plutselig dukket en heks opp med et kart i hånden.» Jeg skal hjelpe deg å finne prinsessen din», sa hun. «Hva må jeg gi deg til gjengjeld?» spurte ridderen. «Det skal vi komme tilbake til en annen gang. Du skal nok få betale meg», sa heksen. Så gav hun ham kartet. Han gikk gjennom skogen og kom til et høyt fjell. Kartet sa at borgen til den slemme ridderen var på toppen av dette fjellet. Men hvordan skulle han komme opp dit?

The brave knight – chapter 2
The bad knight was in love with the beautiful princess and wanted to marry her. But the princess said no. Then the bad knight was angry and locked her into a tower room in his castle. From there she looked out and waited for her brave knight. She knew he would come and save her.
When the brave knight had trained and practiced for a long time and felt strong enough, he went along to save his princess.He didn`t know where she was kept captured. He went into the forest. Suddenly a witch turned up with a map in her hand. “I will help you to find the princess”, she said. “What must I give you in return?”asked the knight. “We talk about that later. But surely you will pay me”, said the witch. She gave him the map.
He went through the forest and came to a high mountain. The map said that the bad knight`s castle was on top of that mountain. But how was he going to get up there?

Chapter 3
Kun rohkea ritari oli matkalla ilkeän ritarin linnaan, vastaan tuli vihreä, sinistä tulta syöksevä lohikäärme. Ritari otti miekkansa esiin ja alkoi taistella lohikäärmettä vastaan. Lohikäärme syöksi tulta ja ritari tippui kuiluun, jonka pohjalla oli vettä! Yhtäkkiä noita ilmestyi kuilun reunalle ja sanoi: ”Voin auttaa sinua, mutta en tee sitä ilmaiseksi. Palkkani kasvaa!”. ”Selvä, sopii, auta minua!”, vastasi ritari ja noita kaivoi vahvan köyden suuresta povitaskustaan ja kiskoi ritarin ylös kuilusta. Mutta voi kurjuus! Kuilun reunalla oli vihainen, nälkäinen lohikäärme, eikä ritarilla ollut yhtään voimia taistella sitä vastaan. Noita tuumaa: ”Voin taikoa lohikäärmeen pois, mutta en tee sitä ilmaiseksi. Palkkasi kasvaa!”
Ja puff! Lohikäärme hävisi!
”No, mitä olen sinulle velkaa, olet kolmesti auttanut minua.”, kysyi ritari noidalta. ”Hmmm.. Tiedätkö, mitä kaipaan? Ikuista nuoruutta! Sinun täytyy etsiä minulle ikuisen nuoruuden lähde!”, vastasi noita.
”En voi vielä hoitaa sitä, sillä minulla on tärkeämpi tehtävä. Lupaan hoitaa sen heti, kun prinsessa löytyy!”
Olikohan noita sittenkään ystävällinen, halusiko hän vain vedättää ritaria? ”Aika vaikea tehtävä”, mietti ritari.
Ritari jatkoi matkaansa metsään, joka synkkeni kokoajan. Synkässä metsässä vastaan tuli iloisesti hyppelevä Pertti-possu, jolle ritari kertoi huolensa ja tehtävänsä. Pertti sanoi: ”hyppää kyytiin, voin auttaa sinua matkalla linnaan!” Pertillä oli valkoiset höyhensiivet ja se lensi tosi nopeasti.
Metsässä Pertti-possu ja rohkea ritari törmäsivät ilkeään ritariin. Hän oli poimimassa kukkia. ”Kenelle poimit?”, kysyi rohkea ritari. ”Prinsessalle”, vastasi ilkeä ritari. ”Minua kaduttaa, kun telkesin hänet linnaan. Aion lepytellä hänet näillä kukilla!”

When the brave knight was on his way to evil knight’s castle he met a green dragon that had blue flames coming out his mouth. Knight took his sword and started fighting the dragon. Dragon made flames and the knight fell into the gorge that had water in it. Suddenly a witch appeared to the edge of the gorge and said: “I can help you but I don’t do it for free. My salary will be bigger!” “Ok, that’s fine, help me!”, answered the knight and the witch took a strong rope from his pocket and drag the knight up from the gorge. But oh boy! On the edge there was an angry hungry dragon and the knight didn’t have any strength to fight him. Witch was saying: “I can make the dragon disappear but I don’t do it for free. My salary will be bigger!”
And Puff! The dragon disappeared.
“Well, how much do I owe you, you have helped me three times”, asked the knight from the witch.
“Hmmm, Do you know what I long for? Eternal youth! You must find me well of the eternal youth!” the witch answered.
“I’m not sure if the witch was nice. Did he only want to play me? Pretty difficult task2, the knight wondered.
The knight continued his journey to the forest which was getting darker and darker. In the dark forest the knight met Pertti the Piggy who was jumping around happily. The knight told his worries and the task to thel Pertti the Piggy. Pertti told:
“Hop on my back, I can help you on your way to the castle!” Pertti had white wings and he was flying fast.
When they landed to the forest near the castle they pumped into the evil knight. He was picking up flowers. “for who do you pick the flowers?” asked the brave knight. “To the princess”, answered the evil knight “ I’m sorry that I locked her to the castle. I will make her feel better with these flowers!”

Chapter 4
After a while, the bad knight realized the brave knight came to take the princess away. He called his army and took the visitors to the tower where they found unicorns and llamas. The king of the unicorns said to the brave knight “I know your history, I can help but not for free”. “What do you want?” “I need the piggy”. Pertti was scared and she started asking the brave knight “No, no, please”. The brave knight had agreed first, but he was looking around to trick the unicorn. He pushed towards the window, opened it and jumped out of it. Pertti followed him. The brave knight managed to sit on its back. They started flying over the castle to find the princess. Suddenly, they saw her beautiful face in the window of the highest tower. They flew close to the tower asking the princess “Open the window my dear, please”. She looked shocked and didn’t open it. They heard her scream through the closed window. After a while, they saw her at the castle’s gate going away with the evil knight on the llamas.

Po chwili zły rycerz zdał sobie sprawę, że dobry rycerz przybył do zamku aby odzyskać księżniczkę. Wezwał swoją armię, która porwała gości i umieściła  ich w wieży, gdzie znalazły się też jednorożce i lamy. Król jednorożców powiedział do rycerza “Znam Twoją historię. Pomogę Ci, ale nie za darmo. “Co chcesz w zamian?” “Świnkę” odpowiedział. Pertti była przerażona i zaczęła prosić odważnego rycerza “Nie! Nie! Proszę!”. Rycerz najpierw zgodził się, ale rozglądał się wokół, bo chciał przechytrzyć jednorożca. Ruszył w stronę okna, otworzył je i wyskoczył. Pertti ruszyła za nim. Odważny rycerz usiadł na jej grzbiecie. Zaczęli krążyć nad zamkiem szukając księżniczki. Nagle zobaczyli jej piękną twarz w oknie najwyższej wieży. Polecieli w to miejsce krzycząc “Otwórz okno, moja ukochana”. Spojrzała zszokowana, ale nie otworzyła. Usłyszeli jej krzyk przez zamknięte okno. Po chwili zobaczyli ją w dole, przy bramie zamku. Wyjeżdżała ze złym rycerzem na lamach.

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