Legendarno putovanje –
prvo poglavlje
jesenskoga dana maleni dječak išao je iz škole. Škola se nalazila pokraj brze
rijeke. Nedaleko od seoske škole prema sjeveru bilo je veliko brdo. Na tom brdu
bio je stari, kameni dvorac, a oko njega začarana šuma.
Svakoga dana iz školskog dvorišta dječak je promatrao njemu nepoznati dvorac. Iz
godine u godinu dvorac je sve više propadao. Dječak je izrastao u vrlo mudrog,
marljivog i snažnog mladića. Kao maleni dječak čuo je od starijih ljudi da se u
tom dvorcu nekada davno nešto dogodilo. Raspitivao se o prošlosti dvorca i
cijeloga kraja. Dok se jednog dana vraćao kući prolazio je pokraj svoje nekad
lijepe škole. Škola je počela sličiti dvorcu na brijegu. Od tuge se ražalostio.
Sjetio se svojih prijatelja iz đačkih dana. Sjetio se igara u školskom
dvorištu. Sjetio se ljudi u susjedstvu i njihovog teškog rada na selu. Sunce je
zašlo za brdo. Rijeka je postajala sve glasnija. Krošnje iz obližnje šume
postale su tajanstvene. Čule su se noćne ptice. Na putu koji je krivudao između
divlje rijeke i mračne šume susreo je starca u kožnom kaputu. „Ivo, jednoga
dana tvoje djelo poštivat će cijeli svijet.“ Mladić je ostao zbunjen. Riječi
starca bile su glasnije od šuma rijeke. Uzbuđenje u njegovu srcu bilo je
tajanstvenije od mračne šume. S velikom znatiželjom krenuo je dalje.
journey – chapter one
One autumn day a little boy was going home from school. The
school was located near the fast river. Not far from the village, on the north
of the school, was the great mountain. On the hill there was an old, stone
castle, with enchanted forest around it. Every day, from the schoolyard, the
boy looked at the strange castle.
Year after year, the castle became more and more
ruined. The boy has grown into a very wise, hardworking and strong young man.
When he was a little boy the old people told
that a long time ago something happened in that castle. He wondered about the
history of the castle and the whole region. One day, while he was returning home, he walked by his beautiful school.
The school began to look like a castle on the hill. He was so sad that he
started to grieve. He remembered his friends from the school days. He
remembered the games they played in the schoolyard. He thought of the people in
the neighborhood and their hard work in the countryside. The sun went down the
hill. The river became louder. The canopy of the nearby forest became
mysterious. One could hear the night birds. On the road which meandered between
wild river and dark forests he met an old man in a leather coat. "Ivo, one
day your work will be respected in the whole world." The young man was
confused. The words of an old man were louder than the noise of the river. The
excitement in his heart was more mysterious than the dark forest. With great
curiosity he went on.
retk – teine peatükk
Ivo südames ei raugenud. Mida rohkem ta vana mehe sõnadele mõtles, seda
kehvemini ta ennast tundis. Lõpuks istus ta jõe äärde maha, et pisut hinge
tõmmata. Ta vaatas kaua aega kohisevat jõge ja meenutas oma tehtud töid. Ikkagi
ei saanud ta aru, mida vana mees talle öelda tahtis. Korraga aga tundus Ivole
nagu oleks ta jõe veel näinud tolle kummalise lossi peegelpilti lapsepõlvest.
Samal hetkel muutus metsa kohin valjemaks ja öölindude hääl väga hirmutavaks.
Ivo tundis, et ta peab sellest kohast kaugemale saama. Tema sees võitles hirm,
segadus, uudishimu ja lapsepõlve mälestused. Vana mehe sõnad vasardasid peas.
Ivo tõusis ja hakkas pimeduses edasi liikuma. Ta oli nii segaduses, et ei
saanud enam aru, kuhu poole minema peab. Ainus mõte oli, et ruttu siit minema
tundis ta vastupandamatut soovi siseneda sellesse kummalisse vanasse lossi, mis
seisis üksiku ja mahajäetuna keset kummituslikku metsa. Ta avas suure ja
roostes ukse, mis krigises valjult. Lossi sisenedes tundis ta tugevat kopituse
haisu. Ivo leidis ennast hämarast saalist, mida valgustasid vaid laes olevast
august läbitungivad päikesekiired. Igal pool olid keskaegsed rõivad ja mööbel.
Seintel rippusid ämblikuvõrkudega kaetud maalid. Ta tundis nagu oleks ta ajas
tagasi rännanud.
Legendary journey – chapter two
The excitement in Ivo’s heart didn’t calm. The more he
thought about the old man’s words, the worse he felt. Then he sat by the river,
to take a breath. He looked at the river long time and was thinking about the
work he had done. Still he didn’t understand what the old man wanted to say.
Suddenly Ivo felt as if he had seen reflection of the strange castle from
childhood. The same time the forest soughed louder and the voice of birds
sounded scary. Ivo felt that he had to get away from that place. Inside him
fear, confusion, curiosity and childhood memories were mixed. The word of the
old man hammered in his head. Ivo stood up and started to move. He was so
confused that he didn’t know which direction he is heading. The only thought
was to get away.
Suddenly he felt strong urge to go to that strange old
castle which stood lonely and abandoned in the middle of the haunted forest. He
opened big rusty door which made a loud screech. When he entered, he smelled
mustiness. Ivo found himself from a dark hall, the only light came from a hole
in the ceiling. He could see clothes and furniture from the middle ages. On the
walls he saw big paintings, covered with cobwebs. He felt as if he had
travelled back in time.
llegendari – Capítol tres
Una vegada
dins de la casa, Ivo va trobar un quadre de la seva avia. Es va espantar molt i
va marxar corrents. El dia següent va tornar a la casa amb un amic de la
infantesa, l’Aitor. A l’escola el coneixien com “el valent”. Quan l’Aitor va
obrir la porta tot semblava normal. Així que es va envalentir i va entrar al
castell i van veure la seva distribució. L’ Ivo no estava gaire segur de entrar
al castell, però va seguir al seu amic. El castell tenia quatre pisos: a la
planta baixa hi havia la cuina, el menjador i un lavabo; al primer pis hi havia
dues habitacions , un despatx i un lavabo; al segon pis hi havia sis
habitacions més petites que les del primer pis i un bany. Al tercer pis no sabem que hi ha perquè
mai ningú ha pujat.
visitaven el castell es van adonar que tot era molt vell i la major part de les
coses estaven trencades. De repent, Ivo va veure un llibre estrany. Era molt
gran i gruixut. Les tapes del llibre eren fosques i estaven plenes de pols. El
títol del llibre era “ La llegenda del castell encantat”. Ivo and Aitor
van buscar una cadira per seure i van obrir el llibre.
journey – chapter three
inside the house, Ivo saw a picture
of his granny. He felt scared and went away. The next day he went back
to the house with a school friend, Aitor. In school he was known as the
“Brave”. When Aitor opened the house door everything seems to be ok. So, his
courage grew and he went inside the house. Ivo was not very sure of going in,
but he followed his friend. They visited the castle. The castle has four
floors. On the first floor there was a kitchen, a dinning room and a small
toilet. On the second floor there were two rooms, a study and another toilet.
On the third floor there were six small rooms and a bathroom. On the last floor
no one knew what’s inside because no one had been there before.
they were visiting the castle they realized that everything was very old and most
of the things were broken. Suddenly, Ivo saw a strange book. It was very big and thick. The book covers were dark and dusty.
The title of the book was “The Legend Of The Haunted Castle”. Ivo and Aitor looked for a chair to sit on and then they opened the book.
Chapter four
åpnet boka forsiktig. Arkene var sprø og tørre. De begynte å lese. Det var en
fortelling om de tidlige år i slottets historie og alt som hadde skjedd der.
Det som fanget interessen deres mest, var en fortelling om en trollmann som ble
sperret inne i det øverste slottstårnet etter at han hadde prøvd å utslette
alle som bodde i landsbyen og på slottet. Iwo og Aitor kikket ut av det støvete
lille vinduet og opp mot tårnet. Var det ikke noe som bevegde seg innenfor
vinduet der oppe? De så på hverandre. Alt de kunne høre var fuglesangen utenfor
vinduet. Iwo tok opp boken de hadde lest i. Noe falt ut av den. Det var et brev
skrevet med skjelvende håndskrift. Aitor leste høyt for Iwo der de satt på
stolene ved siden av hverandre: «Jeg er så redd. Alle i familien min og alle vennene
mine er bare forsvunnet, den ene dagen var de der, den andre ikke. Det er bare
meg igjen i hele den store borgen .Det hviler en forbannelse over stedet.
Fuglene synger ikke lenger. Hvor er familien min? Har trollmannen skadet dem?
Kommer han etter meg nå? Hjelp meg, en eller annen!»»
og Aitor stoppet brått opp å lese. Fuglesangen hadde stanset, og det var
fullstendig stille. De følte en kulde de aldri hadde følt før. Så falt en stor
og sort skygge over dem.
ja Aitor katsoivat ylös. He näkivät noidan, joka oli kummallisen muotoinen.
Noita taikoi heidät jähmettyneiksi, jotta he eivät pääsisi karkuun. Ivoa ja
Aitoria pelotti. Noita vei pojat linnan neljännen kerroksen torniin vangiksi.
Siellä ystävykset katselivat ympärilleen ja huomasivat luita maassa. Nurkasta
kuului outoa rapinaa ja kun Ivo ja Aitor katsoivat tarkkaan, he huomasivat
nurkassa vanhan miehen. Kun vanha mies ymmärsi poikienkin olevan vankeja,
kertoi hän heille olevansa kirjeen kirjoittaja. Luut olivat hänen kadonneiden
ystäviensä ja perheen jäsentensä jäännökset. Mies pyysi Ivoa ja Aitoria
pelastamaan hänet.
ja Aitor eivät ehtineet tehdä mitään pelastussuunnitelmaa, kun noita tuli jo
takaisin. Noita kohotti taikasauvaansa, mutta samassa jotakin tapahtui ja sauva
tipahti hänen kädestään. Ivo nappasi noidan taikasauvan ja heitti sen
kauemmaksi. Sauva osui kuitenkin noitaan, joka jähmettyi patsaaksi. ”
Ehdimmeköhän karkuun ennen kuin noidan taika raukeaa?” Ivo mietti juostessaan Aitorin ja vanhan miehen kanssa
tornin rappusia alas.
Ivo and Aitor looked up. They saw wizard which was
very oddly shaped. The wizard made them freeze on their spot on a spell so that
they wouldn’t escape. The wizard took them prisoners to the tower of the fourth
floor. There the friends looked around and saw some bones on the ground. From
the corner they heard strange rustle and when Ivo and Aitor looked very
carefully they could see an old man in the corner. when the old man realized
that boys were prisoners he told them that he was the one that wrote the
letter. The bones belonged to his missing friends and relatives. Man asked Ivo
and Aitor to rescue him.
Ivo and Aitor couldn’t make a rescue plan before the
wizard came back. The wizard raised his wond but at that moment something
happened and the wond fell from his hand. Ivo snatched the wond and threw it
further away. Wond hit the wizard who was then frozen as a statue. “Are we able
to run away before the spell ends?” Ivo was thinking while running down the
steps of the tower.
podróż – rozdział szósty
Zobaczyli drzwi frontowe i chcieli wydostać się tak
szybko, jak to możliwe… ale nie mogli otworzyć drzwi. Ivo i Aitor przestraszyli
się, ponieważ nie wiedzieli, co zrobić. Zaczęli przeszukiwać zamek, bo chcieli
znaleźć jakieś wyjście. Zeszli do ciemnej piwnicy. Znaleźli tam kolejne stare
księgi. Jedna z nich opisywała rodzinę, która zamieszkiwała w zamku. Ivo zdał
sobie sprawę, że jest księciem. Na szczęście za kolejną zakurzoną księgą znaleźli
klucz do drzwi wejściowych. Przyjaciele zdołali opuścić zamek.
Ludzie z otaczającej wioski uznali, że Ivo jest księciem
i zamek powinien należeć do niego. Trudniej było przekonać lokalne władze. Ivo
zdecydował się odbudować zamek, ale nie było to łatwe. Ostatnie piętro
pozostało zamknięte. Nikt nie odwiedzał go, ale czasami było słychać stamtąd
dziwne głosy. Ivo ożenił się, miał pięcioro dzieci i zamienił zamek w
pięciogwiazdokowy hotel. Stary mężczyzna miał tutaj swój włąsny pokój. Zamek
stał się sławny na całym świecie. Ivo także stał się znany, ponieważ jego
historia zainspirowała innych, którzy
zainteresowali się historią swojej rodziny.
Legendary journey – chapter six
They saw the front door and wanted to escape as soon
as possible but… couldn’t open it. Ivo and Aitor became scared because they
didn’t know what to do next. They started searching the castle to find the way
out. They went down to the dark cellar. There were more old books there. One of them described the family who lived in
the castle. Ivo realized he was a prince. Luckily they found the key to the
door behind another dusty book. Finally, the friends managed to leave the
haunted castle.
The people from the surrounding village accepted he
was the prince and the castle really should belong to him. It was harder to
convince the local council. Ivo decided to rebuild the castle but it wasn’t
easy. However, the last floor became closed. No one visited it but sometimes
some strange voices were heard from this area. Ivo married, had five children
and made the castle an amazing five star hotel. The old man had his own room
there. The castle became famous all around the world. Ivo became famous too
because his history inspired others who started being interested in their
family histories.
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