We live in a world that changes very fast. It is difficult for both students and teachers to adapt to these new conditions. The world today gives us a huge variety of innovative and effective methods to help teachers to make studying more interesting and optimal. All teachers are teachers of basic skills. Our project concentrates on basic skills, to help teachers to find the best methods to help students to develop and use their basic skills. Through that we hope to improve students' success in school and prevent early school leaving. Our target group is students in the age of 6-12. The curriculum of that age is already quite intensive and we need to help the students to cope with that. In our partner schools we have many students with a different mother tongue, we are going to have more and more multilingual schools in the future. Therefore we want to share out good practice of the use of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Within our project we are going to collect and try our the best methods connected to five basic skills from each partner country to improve the level of teaching in our partner schools. With the activities we are going to carry out, we want our students to focus on the European dimension. We expect the students to develop an understanding across European cultures through our activities. Working towards a common goal together with hundreds of other European children can make them feel more a part of European identity. It is very important for children from distant regions. We believe that all the methods will give the pupils the means to work in their own ways and adjust their ways of working. In addition to raise the European identity, many of our activities will also increase the local identity because students are presenting their local daily lives.
We live in a world that changes very fast. It is difficult for both students and teachers to adapt to these new conditions. The world today gives us a huge variety of innovative and effective methods to help teachers to make studying more interesting and optimal. All teachers are teachers of basic skills. Our project concentrates on basic skills, to help teachers to find the best methods to help students to develop and use their basic skills. Through that we hope to improve students' success in school and prevent early school leaving. Our target group is students in the age of 6-12. The curriculum of that age is already quite intensive and we need to help the students to cope with that. In our partner schools we have many students with a different mother tongue, we are going to have more and more multilingual schools in the future. Therefore we want to share out good practice of the use of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Within our project we are going to collect and try our the best methods connected to five basic skills from each partner country to improve the level of teaching in our partner schools. With the activities we are going to carry out, we want our students to focus on the European dimension. We expect the students to develop an understanding across European cultures through our activities. Working towards a common goal together with hundreds of other European children can make them feel more a part of European identity. It is very important for children from distant regions. We believe that all the methods will give the pupils the means to work in their own ways and adjust their ways of working. In addition to raise the European identity, many of our activities will also increase the local identity because students are presenting their local daily lives.
We need the project to be carried out transnationally because we want to make sure that all the schools keep the main focus of the project. Every partner country has a strong quality from which other partners can learn, e.g. innovative use of ICT in Finland and Estonia CLIL in Poland and Spain etc. We are going to have seven meetings. At the first we are going to evaluate the preparation done and set plans for collecting and trying out the methods. The first meeting is also important for project risk handling, we are going to agree upon trying out of the methods, evaluating the methods and project activities. At the next five meetings we are going to concentrate on one specific basic skill at each meeting. We are going to share the best methods of teaching a basic skill from each partner country and try them out on each-other (teachers from partner schools) so we can see the methods both from teachers' and students' side. After returning from the meeting we are going to try out the methods on our students and evaluate the methods before and at the next meeting. The best methods will be collected in the toolbox of methods. We need the seventh meeting to evaluate our project and start working on the final report.
Our demands and expectations towards education have increased and changed within the last decade.We need to make a took case for optimal teaching of each and every child in the classroom which can be used all over Europe. We see the world changing and we need to keep up with the challenges and provide our teachers with educational tools used in all partner countries to make learning more sufficient and to improve the learning process on each child in every level.The diversity of the students in the classroom has increased compared to earlier years.We aim to see every child as an individual, to find his or her level and help them to achieve their full potential.
All the partners have had focus on teaching methods for some time, but now it is time to cooperate to find the best solutions. Most of the schools are in remote areas and are in strong need of outside European influences. As the world is becoming more and more global we need to give our teachers and students different educational tools to "survive" in our modern world. They need a good foundation, good basic skills and tools to adapt to whatever educational situation to come. The pupils in our project are young, the right time to influence them is now.
We want the pupils to have respect and emphathy for other cultures, languages and lifestyles, and become confident as citizens of Europe, playing their part in the creation of a society which cares for future education.
As it is clearly important that every person and community works to sustain and improve their educational environment it was agreed that the innovative theme of "I C U" (I See You) would provide a wider issue of motivating children to take responsibility of their own learning, and of self - evaluation. That requires new methods and new thinking about teaching. About 2100 pupils /200 teachers will take part. We are going to carry out several activities using different methods. The project will be integrated into the curricula of maths, national language, English, maths, art, history, science.
The aim is to see a raise in standard in the five basic skills from the initial assessment for all participants through the project will have impact on each partner school and its community in many ways.
The project will provide pupils with greater knowledge of skills required to enable them to become independent learners giving them the opportunity to implement and evaluate teaching activities .Through the collaborative work offered in this project pupils will develop as European citizens with understanding towards other countries and cultures.
The project will give opportunities to add to the continuous professional development through observation and sharing of ideas, teaching strategies and pedagogy. It will create reflection over own practice.
The teachers will be provided with a wider range of teaching possibilities to improve their own work at their own schools.
Teachers will also be able to develop important skills like leadership skills, cooperation, organization, time allocation and budgeting.
There will be an ongoing cooperation between teachers after the end of the project.
The project will produce awareness of different teaching strategies. It will enable schools to observe and reflect on current teaching in own schools and give opportunities for necessary change. The shared Toolbox where all partners can contribute and access educational tools for better teaching of the basic skills. As a result of the project we will see an improvement in pupils`skills that will influence the school data.
Local press will during the project have the opportunity to increase the community`s knowledge about the project. Parents will get access to the project through the Erasmus + Corners in each school and through activities based on the improvement of the basic skills.
September-October 2015:
A1: making the puppets with national identity;
A2:making a DVD presentation of school and the area;
A3:compiling and carry on a questionnaire for students about partner countries to find out how much do our students know about partner countries.
A4:Another questionnaire is going to be carried out on teachers to find out about the methods they use for teaching basic skills.
A5:Celebrating the European day of languages on the 29th of Sept.
A5:Celebrating the European day of languages on the 29th of Sept.
A6:Create an Erasmus + Corner in each school.
November 2015:
M1: a kick-off meeting in Norway to evaluate the questionnaires, set plans for collecting and trying out the methods. We are doing project risk handling, going to agree upon trying out of the methods, evaluating the methods and project activities. Sharing our methods to teach oral skills; first exchange of puppets.
December 2015-January 2016:
A7:trying out the methods of oral skills;
A8: performing Christmas act to introduce Christmas traditions with the help of puppets.
February 2016:
M2: project meeting in Finland. We are going to evaluate the methods of oral skills and share the methods of numeracy. The schools introduces formative assessment, show their best practice of it; second exchange of the puppets.
March-April 2016:
A9:trying out the methods of numeracy; How to use problem solving in everyday math, related to money, measurement, cooking, time, distance, sports, calculations - "European market ".
May 2016:
M3: project meeting in Estonia. We are going to evaluate the methods of numeracy and share the methods of reading. Estonian school introduces the innovative use of ICT and educational technologies. Celebrating the European day on the 9th of May. Third exchange of puppets.
May 2016-September 2016:
A10: trying out the methods of reading. "Reason to read" - we are going to carry out a reading competition between the participating schools. We are going to have a test on reading speed before and after the competition. The competition concerns time spent. Methods of reading concerning critical reading, digital reading, variety of literature.
September 2016:
M4:project meeting in Spain. We are going to evaluate the methods of reading and share the methods of writing. Celebrating the European day of languages on the 29th of Sept. Spanish school is introducing their good practice of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Fourth exchange of the puppets.
October-December 2016:
A11:trying out the methods of writing. "Continuous story" - every school starts with one chapter of a book. Then we will send it to a next country, they will read the chapter and continue with a next chapter. Then send to next country, they will write next chapter. After finishing with the 7th chapter, the book returns home. Other aspects of writing: words of the day, word games, use writing to describe learning, create book/newspaper, write with different tools, publish work in the local newspaper.
January 2017:
M5: project meeting in Finland. We are going to evaluate the methods of writing and share the methods of teaching ICT skills. Finnish school is going to present their good practice of the use of ICT. Fifth exchange of puppets.
January-February 2017:
A12: trying out the methods of ICT skills. We are going to have video meetings through Skype. We are going to teach the popular children song "Are You sleeping" in our native languages and sing together. Games, presentation about countries.
March 2017:
M6: project meeting in Poland. We are going to evaluate the methods of teaching ICT skills. We choose the best methods of each basic skill and start compiling the toolbox. Polish school presents their good practice of integrated classes of both weak and good students. The sixth exchange of the puppets.
April-May 2017:
A13:compiling the toolbox, carrying out the questionnaire for students and teachers to find out how much do the students know now about the partner countries and what methods are the teachers going to use from the toolbox.
A14: Celebrating the European day on the 9th of May
June 2017:
M7: project meeting in Croatia. Evaluating the project, the questionnaires. Finish of the Toolbox, everyone will get their toolbox to take back home. Puppets return home. We start writing the final report.
The project is registered as an eTwinning project
Here is the project website
Project meetings
The first project meeting was held in Hatteng in Norway in November 2015. We discussed what had been done so far at schools, planned future activities and presented the partners' oral methods. They are going to be tried in all partner schools and evaluated during the next ICU project meeting in Vantaa, Helsinki in Finland from 7 to 11 March 2016. Every school presented its report on students' and teachers' questionnaires. The Croatian school presented their dissemination plan and we discussed how we were going to disseminate the project results in our schools. We talked about our Erasmus website and Erasmus+ corners in our schools. The schools presented their logo proposals and we decided on our common ICU logo. Finland made the digital version of our ICU project logo. We had a meeting with the students and teachers of Hattend school when we introduced DVDs made by our students and we exchaned the dolls. Here they started their two-year journey across Europe. We learnt about Norwegian school system and Storfjord region too.
The second meeting was held in Vantaa, Helsinki in Finland in March 2016. We evaluated the oral methods that had been tried out at the schools and presented the numeracy methods that would be practised at the schools till the next meeting in Estonia from 23-27 May 2016. Sweden had left the project and new activity plan was made and the countries took over the responsibilities. The eTwinning TwinSpace wa presented too. The partners decided to arrange more communication between students. Twins between the partners were made to make the cooperation efficient and organize the exchange of letters. As it had been planned before, we are going to organize European Market in April or May in our schools to practise numeracy more. During the meeting we met the Vantaa students and teachers in the main hall to introduce our schools (DVDs) and exchange the dolls. They are visiting new schools now to get more information about partner countries. We also learned about Finish education system, met students during lessons conducted by the partner teachers and during the visits in the classrooms.
Have a look here
first meeting in Hatteng
practising oral methods
Polish Christmas traditions
Spanish dolls at our school
The project is registered as an eTwinning project
Here is the project website
Project meetings
The first project meeting was held in Hatteng in Norway in November 2015. We discussed what had been done so far at schools, planned future activities and presented the partners' oral methods. They are going to be tried in all partner schools and evaluated during the next ICU project meeting in Vantaa, Helsinki in Finland from 7 to 11 March 2016. Every school presented its report on students' and teachers' questionnaires. The Croatian school presented their dissemination plan and we discussed how we were going to disseminate the project results in our schools. We talked about our Erasmus website and Erasmus+ corners in our schools. The schools presented their logo proposals and we decided on our common ICU logo. Finland made the digital version of our ICU project logo. We had a meeting with the students and teachers of Hattend school when we introduced DVDs made by our students and we exchaned the dolls. Here they started their two-year journey across Europe. We learnt about Norwegian school system and Storfjord region too.
The second meeting was held in Vantaa, Helsinki in Finland in March 2016. We evaluated the oral methods that had been tried out at the schools and presented the numeracy methods that would be practised at the schools till the next meeting in Estonia from 23-27 May 2016. Sweden had left the project and new activity plan was made and the countries took over the responsibilities. The eTwinning TwinSpace wa presented too. The partners decided to arrange more communication between students. Twins between the partners were made to make the cooperation efficient and organize the exchange of letters. As it had been planned before, we are going to organize European Market in April or May in our schools to practise numeracy more. During the meeting we met the Vantaa students and teachers in the main hall to introduce our schools (DVDs) and exchange the dolls. They are visiting new schools now to get more information about partner countries. We also learned about Finish education system, met students during lessons conducted by the partner teachers and during the visits in the classrooms.
3rd Erasmus ICU meeting took place in Estonia from 23rd to 27th May 2016. All the schools tried out maths methods presented in Vantaa and they wrote down their comments. Every country presented one reading method that will be trued out untill the next meeting. We decided to continue the exchange of
postcards/letters between schools and start working on the raport and Mobility
Tool. We decided on the reading contest during the summer holiday. The
traveling dolls are continuing their journeys to meet new children and learn
more about them. Our next meeting will be held in Tarragona, Catalonia in September
Have a look here
first meeting in Hatteng
practising oral methods
Polish Christmas traditions
Spanish dolls at our school
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