środa, 14 grudnia 2016

Bob Claus

Kuldkala saladus

Elas kord kala nimega Bob Klaus. Ta elas ookeani põhjas ühe koralli sees. Ta oli väga kurb, üksik ja vaene kala. Kõik mereelanikud naersid tema üle.
Ühel päeval kuulis Bob kurba uudist, et ta vanemad on püütud võrku. Kala elu oli rikutud. Õnneks Bob ei kurvastanud pikalt, sest ta sai teada, et tema vanaisa on kuldkala. Bob oli väga õnnelik selle uudise üle ning ta otsustas kindlasti vanaisa üles otsida.
Ühel hommikul leidis Bob köögikapi tagant ühe vana luitunud kaardi. Kaarti uurides oli Bobil varsti asi selge. Vanaisa juurde jõudmiseks pidi ta läbima meduuside küla, haide linna ja kurjade krabide koopa.

The secret of the goldfish

Once upon a time there was a fish called Bob Claus. He lived in the bottom of the ocean inside a coral reef. He was very sad lonely poor fish. All the sea inhabitants laughed at him.
One day he heard sad news: his parents were caught in a net. Bob’s life was ruined. Fortunately, Bob didn’t feel sad for long because he heard that his grandfather is a goldfish. He was very happy to hear that and decided to find his grandfather.
One morning when Bob went to kitchen he discovered an old faded map behind the cupboard. While exploring the map everything became clear. To reach his grandfather he has to go through the village of jellyfish, the town of shark and the cave of evil crabs.

Chapter 2:
En Bob va ser molt valent i va anar a parar a la vila de les meduses. Per sort ni li va picar cap. No s’ho va pensar  dues vegades i va entrar al terrible poble dels inquietants taurons carnívors. En Bob va tenir una gran idea. Agafar sang i posar-la fora del poble per poder passar tranquil·lament sense que li mengessin. Quina por va passar el Bob!! I directament es va dirigir cap a la cava dels crancs malvats. Es va trobar una llanterna que posava Gloc Claus i va recordar que el seu avi és deia així. Això volia dir que aquella llanterna era seva. Llavors va decidir entrar a la cova.

Bob was very brave. First he went to the jellyfish village. Fortunately no one bit him. Then he went to the carnivore town of the sharks. Bob had a great idea. He took blood and put it out of the town, so all the sharks smelt the blood and he could cross the town without any problem. He was really scared!! Finally he went to the cave of evil crabs, before coming in he found a lantern that has a name, the name written was Gloc Claus. Then Bob remembered that his granddad name was Gloc Claus. So, that means that the lantern belongs to him. Them he decided to come to into the cave.

Kapittel 3  
Han svømmer forsiktig inn i hulen. Alle krabbene slåss og la heldigvis ikke merke til han.
Bob svømte ubemerket mot en stor dør som måtte åpnes av en levende krabbe sin kro. Det var et skilt på døra som fortalte dette, og det sto også at det var innpasset til gullfiskenes rike. Mens han tenkte ut en plan ble en krabbe kastet mot den store døra. Den gled såpass opp at Bob klarte å svømme inn før den slamret igjen. Men det var ikke så lett og finne bestefaren fordi det var bare gullfisker. Han ropte på bestefaren, men ingen av gullfiskene brydde seg. Han svømte omkring og lette mens han ropte navnet på bestefaren. Så var det som om et stort mørke seg inn i rommet. Bob så ingenting, for vannet begynte å boble veldig. Han kavet med å finne ut hvor han befant seg. Plutselig kom en stor skygge til syne. Alle fiskene rømte med en gang. Bare Bob var fremdeles i rommet, og den store skyggen kom nærmere og nærmere. Bob ble fylt med en skrekk større enn han noensinne hadde følt før.

He swam carefully into the cave. All the crabs were fighting, and luckily they didn't notice him. Bob swam unnoticed towards a big door. To open the door you needed a crabclaw from a living crab. This was written on a sign on the door. It also said that this was the ndoor to the goldfish kingdom.While he was thinking of a plan, a crab was suddenly thrown against the door. The door opened so that Bob managed to slip through the door. It wasn't easy to find the grandfather, because there were a lot of goldfish there. He called his grandfather`s name while he swam around,, but none of the fish seemed to care about him. Then it was like a darkness came into the room. Bob couldn`t see anything, because the water started to bubble a lot. He tried to find out where he was. Suddenly a big shadow appeared. All the goldfish disappeared at once. Only Bob was still in the room, and the big shadow came closer and closer to him. Bob was filled with a fear he had never experienced before.

Bob arveli, olisiko varjo hänen isoisänsä. Eräs korallissa asuva kultakala halusi varoittaa Bobia: “Tule pois sieltä!” Olisiko iso musta varjo kultakalojen kuningas? Varjo tuli lähemmäksi ja se oli kultakalojen kuningas. Kuningas kruunasi Bobin prinssiksi.

Kuningas pyysi uutta prinssiä tulemaan palatsiinsa. Lähestyessään palatsia he huomasivat, että oven eteen oli linnoittautunut pahanilkinen mustekala. Kuningas ja Bob keksivät juonen, jolla saivat mustekalan harhautettua ja lopulta he pääsivät palatsiin sisälle. Palatsin eteisaulassa oli kuvat ja nimet kaikista palatsin kuninkaista. Niitä katsoessaan Bob yhtäkkiä tajusi, että kuningas olikin hänen isoisänsä!

Bob tried to figure out whose shadow it was, perhaps it was his grandfather’s? A goldfish, who lived in the coral, wanted to warn Bob: “Come out of there!” Maybe the big black shadow was the king of the goldfish? The shadow came closer and it was the king of the goldfish. The king crowned Bob as the prince.
King asked Bob to come to his castle. When approaching the castle they saw an evil octopus that was guarding the door to the castle. The king and Bob figured out how to distract the octopus and finally they got into the castle. There were pictures and names of all the kings that had ruled in the castle at the hallway. Watching them Bob realized that the king was his grandfather.

Chapter 5
 “You are the real goldfish, so I would like you to make my three wishes true. I want my own big coral reef, lots of gold and my parents back home.”  Bob said quickly. 
“You have read too many books, I don’t have such power.”
Bob couldn’t believe.
“Really?” - He was moaning – “Oh, no!”
Bob was disappointed and released the luggage that he was dragging on his flipper. Grandfather saw the lantern Bob had taken on the journey. The goldfish looked at it with astonishment  and started waving his flippers.
“Where did you find it?” he asked.
 “It is our heirloom, passed from generation to generation”- Bob answered.
“It is true. Good boy. You hadn’t  left it. Do you know it is magic?”
“No! What’s its power?” asked Bob surprised.
“It can change you into a different fish”.
Bob didn’t think long. He said the spell “I would like to be a shark” as he wanted to set his parents free out of the net. He was becoming bigger and bigger but his grandfather started shouting “Come back to your previous figure. My fish will be afraid of you”. Ashamed Bob hid himself behind a big shell in the castle and fell asleep.

„Jesteś prawdziwą złotą rybką. Chciałbym, żebyś spełnił trzy moje życzenia. Chcę własną rafę koralową, dużo złota i powrotu moich rodziców do domu” – powiedział pośpiesznie Bob.
„Za dużo bajek przeczytałeś. Nie mam takiej mocy”.
Bob z niedowierzaniem patrzył na niego.
 „Naprawdę?”  wyjęczał  „No nie”.
Zniechęcony upuścił bagaż, który dźwigał na płetwie. Dziadek zobaczył starą lampę, którą Bob zabrał w podróż. Zdumiony dziadek zaczął falować płetwami.
„Gdzie znalazłeś ją?” zapytał.
„To nasza pamiątka rodzinna, przekazywana z pokolenia na pokolenie” odpowiedział Bob.
„To prawda. Dobrze, że ją zabrałeś. Czy wiesz, że jest magiczna?
„Nie! Jaką ma moc?” – zapytał zdziwiony Bob.
„Może zamienić Cię w inną rybę”.
Bob pomyślał, że przemieni się  w rekina i uwolni rodziców. Wypowiedział zaklęcie. Stawał się coraz większy, ale dziadek zaczął krzyczeć:
„Wróć do swojej postaci, bo przestraszysz mi wszystkie ryby”.
Zawstydzony Bob schował się w jednym z zakątków zamku za ogromną muszlą i zasnął.

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