niedziela, 25 grudnia 2016

The Polish story came back home

A magic wand
Some day three friends from a small town:  Ala, Klaudia and Wiktoria wanted to take part in an English competition. Ala was learning all days, Wiktoria’s older sister helped her a lot, and Klaudia… did nothing. One day while she walking across the park, she saw something shining next to a tree. She went closer. It looked like a black stick with a star at the end. Klaudia came even closer  and found out… A MAGIC WAND! She realized „It can help me to win the competition. The knowledge will enter my mind without any efford!”
The girl took the magic wand home and wondered „How does it work”. She waved it to try out and declared:
- Abrakadabra! Let me know English very well!”. Nothing happened. „Maybe it is a normal stick” – she thought and took to doing homework. To her surpise, even the most difficult exercise was easy. The magic wand started working!
When the competition time came, Klaudia knew everything. The closer the competition the more she was laughing at her friends. They were working hard but she didn’t have to study and repeat.  Finally, the competition day came.

Magiczna różdżka
Pewnego razu żyły sobie 3 przyjaciółki: Ala, Klaudia i Wiktoria. Zapisały się na konkurs języka angielskiego. Ala uczyła się całymi dniami z dostępnych dla niej źródeł, Wiktorii pomagała jej starsza siostra, a Klaudia… nie robiła nic, bo nie chciało jej się uczyć. Gdy wracała ze szkoły przez park, zobaczyła coś świecącego koło drzewa. Podeszła bliżej. Wyglądało jak czarny patyk z gwiazdką na jednym końcu. Ale gdy się bliżej przyjrzała, stwierdziła, że to …MAGICZNA RÓŻDŻKA! Od razu pomyślała: ”Dzięki różdżce wygram konkurs, ponieważ wiedza sama wejdzie mi do głowy”.
Klaudia wzięła różdżkę do domu i zaczęła zastanawiać się jak dokładnie ta różdżka działa. Machnęła ją na próbę i zawołała:
- Abrakadabra! Niech wiedza na konkurs wejdzie mi do głowy!
Nic się nie stało. „Może to jednak zwykły patyk?” - pomyślała i zabrała się do odrabiania lekcji z angielskiego. Ku jej zdziwieniu nawet zadanie z gwiazdką okazało się dla niej proste. Różdżka zadziałała!

Gdy nadszedł czas konkursu Klaudia wszystko wiedziała. Im bliżej było konkursu tym bardziej śmiała się z koleżanek, że one się tyle uczyły, a ona jest taka mądra i wszystko już umie, że nawet nie musi powtarzać. W końcu przyszedł dzień konkursu.

Drugo poglavlje
Kada su djevojčice stigle na natjecanje, nisu bile same. Bilo je tu još 27 natjecatelja i 5 učitelja. Ala i Viktorija su ponavljale i bile pomalo prestrašene dok se Klaudija samo smješkala. Pohvalila se prijateljicama da ona sve zna i jedva čeka da to pokaže. Prije nego je sjela u klupu, zamolila je učiteljicu da izađe na hodnik popiti vode. Sakrila se iza velikog cvijeta i iz torbe izvadila čarobni štapić. Željela je još jednom isprobati čaroliju ;opet je izgovorila čarobne riječi: „ Abrakadabra! Let me know English very well.“ Kao i prvi puta - ništa se nije događalo, ali je Klaudija mislila da je to normalno. Prevarila se. Taj čarobni štapić je svake godine ispunjavao samo JEDNU želju, a to Klaudija nije znala. Počelo je natjecanje i Klaudijino iščekivanje čarolije, ali ništa se nije događalo - osim…što ona nije znala ništa. Po završetku natjecanja, Ala je osvojila prvo mjesto, Viktorija je bila druga, a jedna Ana treća. Klaudijino ime je bilo na kraju popisa. Bila je tužna i posramljena te je sve priznala prijateljicama i učiteljici. Ala i Viktorija su dobile nagradno putovanje u Englesku te su odlučile povesti i pijateljicu Klaudiju da popravi svoje znanje engleskog jezika. Klaudija je pristala i svojim čarobnim štapićem…..

Chapter 2

When the girls arrived to the competition, they weren’t alone. 27 competitors and 5 teachers were there, as well. Ala and Wiktoria were revising and were a bit scared while Klaudia was only smiling. She was bragging in front of her friends that she knows everything and couldn’t wait to show it. Before she took her seat at the desk, she asked the teacher if she could go to the hall to drink water. She hid behind a large flower and took a magic wand from her bag. She wanted to try the spell again so she said the magic words out: "Abracadabra! Let me know English very well." As first-nothing happened, but Klaudia thought it was normal. She was wrong. The magic wand made one wish come true once a year, and Klaudia didn’t know that. The competition and Klaudia’s anticipation of the magic started, but nothing happened - except ... she did not know anything.  At the end of the competition, Ala won the first place, Wiktoria was the second and a girl named Ana was the third. Klaudia's name was at the end of the list. She was sad and ashamed and admitted everything to her friends and to her teacher. Ala and Wiktoria received a prize trip to England and decided to take their friend Klaudia with them to improve her English skills. Klaudia accepted their invitation and waved her magic wand to…..

3. peatükk
Ei Ala, Wiktoria ega õpetaja uskunud võlukepi juttu. Kuna Klaudia oli koguaeg olnud unistaja ja lugude väljamõtleja, siis arvasid nad, et see oli järjekordne unistus ja väljamõeldis, et tähelepanu saada. Vaatamata kõigele, oli Klaudia nende väga hea sõbranna ja rõõmsal meelel sõitsid nad kõik koos Inglismaale. Ala ja Wiktoria lubasid Klaudiat aidata, kui ta inglise keeles suhtlemisega hätta jääb. Klaudia oli pettunud, et sõbrad tema võlukepi lugu ei uskunud ja ta mõtles endamisi: „Vaadake, et te ise minu käest abi ei tule paluma.“
Klaudia ei teadnud aga võlukepi trikke. Tegelikult toimetas võlukepp aasta jooksul nii, et ühe ja sama soovi korral täitis ta selle esimese korral, teisel korral ei teinud midagi ning kolmandal korral täitab soovi vastupidiselt. Klaudia tahtis inglise keele selgeks saada, kuid nüüd, kolmandal korral, võttis võlukepp ära ka ta senised teadmised inglise keelest.
Jõudnud Inglismaale, võttis Klaudia salaja võlukepi välja ja ütles: „Abrakadabra. Tee mulle inglise keel selgeks!“ Ta oli kindel, et võlukepp hakkab taas tööle, kuid koheselt ei juhtunud jällegi midagi. Või siis juhtus…

Chapter 3
No one believed what Klaudia said about the magic wand. Klaudia had always been a dreamer and story teller, so everyone thought that this is another fantasy, to get attention. Since Klaudia was their good friend, they went to the trip to England. Ala and Wiktoria promised to help Klaudia with English. Klaudia was disappointed that her friends didn’t believe her story and thought in her mind: “Just wait; you are the ones who need help from me.” But Klaudia didn’t know the tricks of the magic wand. Actually the magic wand worked this way that within one year, with the same wish, the first time it made the wish true; second time it didn’t do anything; and the third time it turned the wish opposite. Klaudia still wanted to know English, but now on the third time the wand took away all the knowledge she had before finding the wand. When they arrive to England, Klaudia said: “Abrakadabra! Let me know English very well!” She was sure, that the wand would work perfectly this time, but again nothing happened immediately. Or did….

Capítol 4
Les tres nenes estaven encantades d’estar a Londres, la ciutat més important d’Anglaterra. Ho volien visitar tor; el Big Ben, el museu britànic, el museu d’història, Picadilly Circus, el teatre de Shakespeare... No podien esperar!
Tenien tota la setmana per visitar Londres. El primer dia van sortir de l’hotel molt aviat. Van passar per Picadilly Circus i van anar a esmorzar a un carrer proper. A la cafeteria van parlar del que farien aquell dia. Van decidir anar al museu d’història natural. La Klaudia portava la vareta màgica a la bossa. Sempre la portava al damunt. S’ho van passar molt bé al museu. Es van quedar impressionades de veure els esquelets de dinosaures.
Van anar a dinar “fish and chips” a un petit bar que hi havia a prop. Després, van anar a una llibreria perquè la Klaudia és volia comprar un diccionarai, perquè els poders de la vareta màgica no funcionaven  i ella no podia parlar correctament amb anglès, i la Wiktoria i l’Ala li havien de traduir tot. Això la feia posar trista. Mentre estava a la llibreria, va veure un anunci que deia: “Vols passar una tarda màgica? Vine a la casa de la màgia!!” La Klaudia estava molt sorpresa perquè a l’anunci hi havia una fotografia d’una vareta màgica com la seva.

Chapter 4
The three girls were excited to be in London, the most important city in England. They wanted to visit all; the Big Ben, the British museum, the Natural History Museum, Picadilly Circus, Shakespeare theatre … They cannot wait!
They have the whole week to visit London. The first morning they left the hotel very early. They dropped by Picadally Circus and then they went to have breakfast in a nearby square. In the Café they decided where to go. All agreed to go to the Natural History museum. Klaudia has the magic wand in her bag. It always goes with her. They enjoyed so much the time in the Natural History Museum. They were impressed to see the skeletons of the dinosaurs.
They had fish and chips in a small bar for dinner. After which, they went to a bookshop because Klaudia wanted to buy a dictionary, because the magic power of the wand doesn’t work anymore and she was not able to speak English fluently, so Wiktoria and Ala had to translate  everything to her. She was a little bit sad. While she was in the bookshop, she saw and advertisement that says “Do you want to spend a magic afternoon?? Come to the magic house!!” Klaudia was very surprised because in the advertisement there was a picture of a magic wand just like hers.

Kapittel 5
Hun spurte venninnene om de skulle dra på det magiske showet. De hadde ikke lyst, så Klaudia bestemte seg for å gå alene. Hun tok tryllestaven med. Da hun kom inn døra, så hun mange rare mennesker som alle sammen viftet med tryllestaver. Hun holdt godt fast i sin egen. Plutselig snublet hun, og tryllestaven for ut av hendene hennes og landet på gulvet framfor henne. En trollmann bøyde seg og tok den opp. Han viftet med den foran ansiktet hennes og sa:»Hvor har du funnet denne? Du er bare ei lita jente!» Hun sa: «Jeg fant den i en park i Polen.»
Trollmannen studerte henne nøye. «Jeg vet hvem du er», sa han etter en stund. «Kun de utvalgte kan se sporene vi legger etter oss. Kun en utvalgt kunne ha funnet tryllestaven.» «Hva mener du?» sa Klaudia. «Jeg er bare en vanlig jente.» «Du tror kanskje du er en vanlig jente, men det er du ikke,» sa trollmannen. «Hvis du vil, kan du ble en av de mektigste hekser i verden, for du har «gaven»». «Men jeg ønsker ikke å bli en trollkvinne, jeg vil bare bli flink i engelsk», sa Claudia. Trollmannen svingte tryllestaven over henne. «Nå er du det», sa han. «Og nå skal jeg føre deg til Trollkongen, så får han bestemme hva som skal gjøres med deg.» Han nesten dyttet Klaudia foran seg inn en liten dør bakerst i rommet.

Chapter 5
She asked her friends if they wanted to go to the magic show. They didn`t want to, so Klaudia decided to go by herself. She brought her magic wand. When she entered the door, she could see many strange persons, all of them waving magic wands. She kept her own tightly to her body. Suddenly she stumbled, and her magic wand just slipped out of her hands and landed on the floor in front of her. A wizard bent down and picked it up. He waved the wand in front of her face and said: “Where did you find this? You are just a little girl!” She said: “I found it in a park in Poland.”
The wizard watched her carefully. “I know who you are”, he said at last. “Only the chosen ones can see the tracks we leave behind. Only a chosen one could have found this wand.” “What do you mean?” Klaudia said. “I am just an ordinary girl.” “You may think you are an ordinary girl,”said the wizard. “But if you want, you can be one of the mightiest witches in the world, because you have “the gift.”” “But I don`t want to be a witch, I only want to be good at English”, said Klaudia. The wizard put the wand over her head. “Now you are,” he said. “And now I will lead you to the King of Trolls, so can he decide what we must do with you.” He almost pushed Klaudia in front of him through a door at the back of the room.

Chapter 6
Oven takaa avautui tunneli, joka johti maan alle. Velholla oli soihtu, joka valaisi pimeää käytävää. Tunnelin päätyttyä he näkivät edessään ison linnan ja peikkokylän. Kylä oli sotkuinen ja pimeä. Kun velho ja Klaudia kävelivät kylän läpi, he näkivät surullisia ja vihaisia peikkoja. Linnaan saavuttuaan he näkivät peikkokuninkaan valtaistuimellaan. Myös kuningas oli surullinen.
Klaudia kysyi kuninkaalta: ”Miksi te kaikki olette niin surullisia?”
Kuningas vastasi, että kaikki heidän aarteensa oli varastettu.
Kuningas kysyi: ”Miksi tulitte luokseni?”
Velho kertoi kuninkaalle, ettei Klaudia tahdo olla noita vaan tavallinen tyttö. Kuningas vastasi suostuvansa Klaudian pyyntöön, jos Klaudia ensin taikoisi heille lisää aarteita.
Aarteet taiottuaan velho ja Klaudia lähtivät peikkojen valtakunnasta. Klaudia palasi ystäviensä luokse. Alalla, Klaudialla ja Wiktorialla oli hauskaa Lontoossa. Klaudia ymmärsi, että hänen täytyisi vain opiskella enemmän oppiakseen englantia paremmin. Kotiin päästyään he jatkoivat onnellisina tavallista elämäänsä.

Chapter 6
There was a tunnel leading under the ground behind the door. The wizard had a tourch to lighten up the dark hallway. At the end of the tunnel there was a big castle and a troll village. The village was messy and dark. Walking through the village Klaudia and wizard saw angry and sad trolls. When they arrived to the castle they saw the troll king on his throne. Even the king was sad.
Klaudia asked the king: “Why are you all so sad?”
King answered that because all of their treasures had been stolen.
King asked: “Why did you come to me?”
The wizard told the king that Klaudia didn’t want to be a witch. She wanted to be an ordinary girl. King answered that if Klaudia will use the magic wand to give them more treasures he will say yes to Klaudia’s wish.
Klaudia was able to give treasures to king through magic. Then she left the troll kingdom and went back to her friends. Ala, Klaudia and Wiktoria had great time in London. Klaudia understood that she just has to study more to learn English better. Back at home they lived happily their ordinary lives. 

Christmas traditions in Erasmus+ partner countiries

Uczniowie czytali informacje na temat Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i w grupach wykonywali prace ilustrujące różne tradycje. Oto wystawa prezentująca efekty ich pracy.

The last story - The Catalan

El cavaller valent
Hi havia una vegada un cavaller que era molt valent i vivia amb una princesa. Un dia van vindre uns dolents. Al cavaller no li feia cap gràcia lluitar contra ells, però no hi havia cap altra opció, així que va lluitar  contra ells i els va guanyar. Li van dir que tornarien, però aquesta vegada més forts, tal com ho van dir ho van fer i van tornar més forts. Un dia es van plantar davant del cavaller i li van dir avui és el dia per lluitar. El cavaller va treure l’espasa i va començar a lluitar, els va guanyar però li va costar molt. Per sorpresa es van emportar la princesa i el cavaller es va enfadar molt. Els dies anaven passant i ell no sabia res de la princesa, però cada dia entrenava fort per poder lluitar amb els dolents i poder recuperar-la.

The brave Knight
Once upon a time there was a brave knight who lived with a wonderful princess.
One day some bad knights came to the castle. The brave knight doesn’t want to fight against them, but there wasn’t any other way, so he fought against them and won them.
The bad knights told him that they will come back stronger than now.
Some weeks later the bad knights came back as what they told to the brave knight the first time they fought.
Then the brave knight took his sword and raised it against and fought, it was really difficult, but it was victorious.
But the surprise was that they took the princess away, the brave knight was really angry.

Days went on but the knight hasn’t news from his princess, but every day he trains to become stronger to save his princess.

Den modige ridderen – kapittel 2
Den slemme ridderen som hadde tatt prinsessen, vill gifte seg med henne. Men det sa hun nei til. Da ble den slemme ridderen rasende og stengte henne inne i et tårn i borgen sin. Hver dag sto den vakre prinsessen og speidet etter ridderen sin. Hun visste han ville komme for å redde henne.
Da den tapre ridderen hadde trent lenge nok til at han følte seg veldig sterk dro han av sted for å redde prinsessen. Han visste ikke hvor hun ble holdt fanget. Han gikk inn i skogen. Plutselig dukket en heks opp med et kart i hånden.» Jeg skal hjelpe deg å finne prinsessen din», sa hun. «Hva må jeg gi deg til gjengjeld?» spurte ridderen. «Det skal vi komme tilbake til en annen gang. Du skal nok få betale meg», sa heksen. Så gav hun ham kartet. Han gikk gjennom skogen og kom til et høyt fjell. Kartet sa at borgen til den slemme ridderen var på toppen av dette fjellet. Men hvordan skulle han komme opp dit?

The brave knight – chapter 2
The bad knight was in love with the beautiful princess and wanted to marry her. But the princess said no. Then the bad knight was angry and locked her into a tower room in his castle. From there she looked out and waited for her brave knight. She knew he would come and save her.
When the brave knight had trained and practiced for a long time and felt strong enough, he went along to save his princess.He didn`t know where she was kept captured. He went into the forest. Suddenly a witch turned up with a map in her hand. “I will help you to find the princess”, she said. “What must I give you in return?”asked the knight. “We talk about that later. But surely you will pay me”, said the witch. She gave him the map.
He went through the forest and came to a high mountain. The map said that the bad knight`s castle was on top of that mountain. But how was he going to get up there?

Chapter 3
Kun rohkea ritari oli matkalla ilkeän ritarin linnaan, vastaan tuli vihreä, sinistä tulta syöksevä lohikäärme. Ritari otti miekkansa esiin ja alkoi taistella lohikäärmettä vastaan. Lohikäärme syöksi tulta ja ritari tippui kuiluun, jonka pohjalla oli vettä! Yhtäkkiä noita ilmestyi kuilun reunalle ja sanoi: ”Voin auttaa sinua, mutta en tee sitä ilmaiseksi. Palkkani kasvaa!”. ”Selvä, sopii, auta minua!”, vastasi ritari ja noita kaivoi vahvan köyden suuresta povitaskustaan ja kiskoi ritarin ylös kuilusta. Mutta voi kurjuus! Kuilun reunalla oli vihainen, nälkäinen lohikäärme, eikä ritarilla ollut yhtään voimia taistella sitä vastaan. Noita tuumaa: ”Voin taikoa lohikäärmeen pois, mutta en tee sitä ilmaiseksi. Palkkasi kasvaa!”
Ja puff! Lohikäärme hävisi!
”No, mitä olen sinulle velkaa, olet kolmesti auttanut minua.”, kysyi ritari noidalta. ”Hmmm.. Tiedätkö, mitä kaipaan? Ikuista nuoruutta! Sinun täytyy etsiä minulle ikuisen nuoruuden lähde!”, vastasi noita.
”En voi vielä hoitaa sitä, sillä minulla on tärkeämpi tehtävä. Lupaan hoitaa sen heti, kun prinsessa löytyy!”
Olikohan noita sittenkään ystävällinen, halusiko hän vain vedättää ritaria? ”Aika vaikea tehtävä”, mietti ritari.
Ritari jatkoi matkaansa metsään, joka synkkeni kokoajan. Synkässä metsässä vastaan tuli iloisesti hyppelevä Pertti-possu, jolle ritari kertoi huolensa ja tehtävänsä. Pertti sanoi: ”hyppää kyytiin, voin auttaa sinua matkalla linnaan!” Pertillä oli valkoiset höyhensiivet ja se lensi tosi nopeasti.
Metsässä Pertti-possu ja rohkea ritari törmäsivät ilkeään ritariin. Hän oli poimimassa kukkia. ”Kenelle poimit?”, kysyi rohkea ritari. ”Prinsessalle”, vastasi ilkeä ritari. ”Minua kaduttaa, kun telkesin hänet linnaan. Aion lepytellä hänet näillä kukilla!”

When the brave knight was on his way to evil knight’s castle he met a green dragon that had blue flames coming out his mouth. Knight took his sword and started fighting the dragon. Dragon made flames and the knight fell into the gorge that had water in it. Suddenly a witch appeared to the edge of the gorge and said: “I can help you but I don’t do it for free. My salary will be bigger!” “Ok, that’s fine, help me!”, answered the knight and the witch took a strong rope from his pocket and drag the knight up from the gorge. But oh boy! On the edge there was an angry hungry dragon and the knight didn’t have any strength to fight him. Witch was saying: “I can make the dragon disappear but I don’t do it for free. My salary will be bigger!”
And Puff! The dragon disappeared.
“Well, how much do I owe you, you have helped me three times”, asked the knight from the witch.
“Hmmm, Do you know what I long for? Eternal youth! You must find me well of the eternal youth!” the witch answered.
“I’m not sure if the witch was nice. Did he only want to play me? Pretty difficult task2, the knight wondered.
The knight continued his journey to the forest which was getting darker and darker. In the dark forest the knight met Pertti the Piggy who was jumping around happily. The knight told his worries and the task to thel Pertti the Piggy. Pertti told:
“Hop on my back, I can help you on your way to the castle!” Pertti had white wings and he was flying fast.
When they landed to the forest near the castle they pumped into the evil knight. He was picking up flowers. “for who do you pick the flowers?” asked the brave knight. “To the princess”, answered the evil knight “ I’m sorry that I locked her to the castle. I will make her feel better with these flowers!”

Chapter 4
After a while, the bad knight realized the brave knight came to take the princess away. He called his army and took the visitors to the tower where they found unicorns and llamas. The king of the unicorns said to the brave knight “I know your history, I can help but not for free”. “What do you want?” “I need the piggy”. Pertti was scared and she started asking the brave knight “No, no, please”. The brave knight had agreed first, but he was looking around to trick the unicorn. He pushed towards the window, opened it and jumped out of it. Pertti followed him. The brave knight managed to sit on its back. They started flying over the castle to find the princess. Suddenly, they saw her beautiful face in the window of the highest tower. They flew close to the tower asking the princess “Open the window my dear, please”. She looked shocked and didn’t open it. They heard her scream through the closed window. After a while, they saw her at the castle’s gate going away with the evil knight on the llamas.

Po chwili zły rycerz zdał sobie sprawę, że dobry rycerz przybył do zamku aby odzyskać księżniczkę. Wezwał swoją armię, która porwała gości i umieściła  ich w wieży, gdzie znalazły się też jednorożce i lamy. Król jednorożców powiedział do rycerza “Znam Twoją historię. Pomogę Ci, ale nie za darmo. “Co chcesz w zamian?” “Świnkę” odpowiedział. Pertti była przerażona i zaczęła prosić odważnego rycerza “Nie! Nie! Proszę!”. Rycerz najpierw zgodził się, ale rozglądał się wokół, bo chciał przechytrzyć jednorożca. Ruszył w stronę okna, otworzył je i wyskoczył. Pertti ruszyła za nim. Odważny rycerz usiadł na jej grzbiecie. Zaczęli krążyć nad zamkiem szukając księżniczki. Nagle zobaczyli jej piękną twarz w oknie najwyższej wieży. Polecieli w to miejsce krzycząc “Otwórz okno, moja ukochana”. Spojrzała zszokowana, ale nie otworzyła. Usłyszeli jej krzyk przez zamknięte okno. Po chwili zobaczyli ją w dole, przy bramie zamku. Wyjeżdżała ze złym rycerzem na lamach.

The Croatian story

Legendarno putovanje – prvo poglavlje
Jednog jesenskoga dana maleni dječak išao je iz škole. Škola se nalazila pokraj brze rijeke. Nedaleko od seoske škole prema sjeveru bilo je veliko brdo. Na tom brdu bio je stari, kameni dvorac, a oko njega začarana šuma. Svakoga dana iz školskog dvorišta dječak je promatrao njemu nepoznati dvorac. Iz godine u godinu dvorac je sve više propadao. Dječak je izrastao u vrlo mudrog, marljivog i snažnog mladića. Kao maleni dječak čuo je od starijih ljudi da se u tom dvorcu nekada davno nešto dogodilo. Raspitivao se o prošlosti dvorca i cijeloga kraja. Dok se jednog dana vraćao kući prolazio je pokraj svoje nekad lijepe škole. Škola je počela sličiti dvorcu na brijegu. Od tuge se ražalostio. Sjetio se svojih prijatelja iz đačkih dana. Sjetio se igara u školskom dvorištu. Sjetio se ljudi u susjedstvu i njihovog teškog rada na selu. Sunce je zašlo za brdo. Rijeka je postajala sve glasnija. Krošnje iz obližnje šume postale su tajanstvene. Čule su se noćne ptice. Na putu koji je krivudao između divlje rijeke i mračne šume susreo je starca u kožnom kaputu. „Ivo, jednoga dana tvoje djelo poštivat će cijeli svijet.“ Mladić je ostao zbunjen. Riječi starca bile su glasnije od šuma rijeke. Uzbuđenje u njegovu srcu bilo je tajanstvenije od mračne šume. S velikom znatiželjom krenuo je dalje.  
Legendary journey – chapter one

One autumn day a little boy was going home from school. The school was located near the fast river. Not far from the village, on the north of the school, was the great mountain. On the hill there was an old, stone castle, with enchanted forest around it. Every day, from the schoolyard, the boy looked at the strange castle. Year after year, the castle became more and more ruined. The boy has grown into a very wise, hardworking and strong young man. When he was a little boy the old people told that a long time ago something happened in that castle. He wondered about the history of the castle and the whole region. One day, while he was returning home, he walked by his beautiful school. The school began to look like a castle on the hill. He was so sad that he started to grieve. He remembered his friends from the school days. He remembered the games they played in the schoolyard. He thought of the people in the neighborhood and their hard work in the countryside. The sun went down the hill. The river became louder. The canopy of the nearby forest became mysterious. One could hear the night birds. On the road which meandered between wild river and dark forests he met an old man in a leather coat. "Ivo, one day your work will be respected in the whole world." The young man was confused. The words of an old man were louder than the noise of the river. The excitement in his heart was more mysterious than the dark forest. With great curiosity he went on.

Legendaarne retk – teine peatükk
 Erutus Ivo südames ei raugenud. Mida rohkem ta vana mehe sõnadele mõtles, seda kehvemini ta ennast tundis. Lõpuks istus ta jõe äärde maha, et pisut hinge tõmmata. Ta vaatas kaua aega kohisevat jõge ja meenutas oma tehtud töid. Ikkagi ei saanud ta aru, mida vana mees talle öelda tahtis. Korraga aga tundus Ivole nagu oleks ta jõe veel näinud tolle kummalise lossi peegelpilti lapsepõlvest. Samal hetkel muutus metsa kohin valjemaks ja öölindude hääl väga hirmutavaks. Ivo tundis, et ta peab sellest kohast kaugemale saama. Tema sees võitles hirm, segadus, uudishimu ja lapsepõlve mälestused. Vana mehe sõnad vasardasid peas. Ivo tõusis ja hakkas pimeduses edasi liikuma. Ta oli nii segaduses, et ei saanud enam aru, kuhu poole minema peab. Ainus mõte oli, et ruttu siit minema saada.
Korraga tundis ta vastupandamatut soovi siseneda sellesse kummalisse vanasse lossi, mis seisis üksiku ja mahajäetuna keset kummituslikku metsa. Ta avas suure ja roostes ukse, mis krigises valjult. Lossi sisenedes tundis ta tugevat kopituse haisu. Ivo leidis ennast hämarast saalist, mida valgustasid vaid laes olevast august läbitungivad päikesekiired. Igal pool olid keskaegsed rõivad ja mööbel. Seintel rippusid ämblikuvõrkudega kaetud maalid. Ta tundis nagu oleks ta ajas tagasi rännanud.

Legendary journey – chapter two
The excitement in Ivo’s heart didn’t calm. The more he thought about the old man’s words, the worse he felt. Then he sat by the river, to take a breath. He looked at the river long time and was thinking about the work he had done. Still he didn’t understand what the old man wanted to say. Suddenly Ivo felt as if he had seen reflection of the strange castle from childhood. The same time the forest soughed louder and the voice of birds sounded scary. Ivo felt that he had to get away from that place. Inside him fear, confusion, curiosity and childhood memories were mixed. The word of the old man hammered in his head. Ivo stood up and started to move. He was so confused that he didn’t know which direction he is heading. The only thought was to get away.
Suddenly he felt strong urge to go to that strange old castle which stood lonely and abandoned in the middle of the haunted forest. He opened big rusty door which made a loud screech. When he entered, he smelled mustiness. Ivo found himself from a dark hall, the only light came from a hole in the ceiling. He could see clothes and furniture from the middle ages. On the walls he saw big paintings, covered with cobwebs. He felt as if he had travelled back in time.

Viatge llegendari – Capítol tres
 Una vegada dins de la casa, Ivo va trobar un quadre de la seva avia. Es va espantar molt i va marxar corrents. El dia següent va tornar a la casa amb un amic de la infantesa, l’Aitor. A l’escola el coneixien com “el valent”. Quan l’Aitor va obrir la porta tot semblava normal. Així que es va envalentir i va entrar al castell i van veure la seva distribució. L’ Ivo no estava gaire segur de entrar al castell, però va seguir al seu amic. El castell tenia quatre pisos: a la planta baixa hi havia la cuina, el menjador i un lavabo; al primer pis hi havia dues habitacions , un despatx i un lavabo; al segon pis hi havia sis habitacions més petites que les del primer pis i un  bany. Al tercer pis no sabem que hi ha perquè mai ningú ha pujat.
Mentre visitaven el castell es van adonar que tot era molt vell i la major part de les coses estaven trencades. De repent, Ivo va veure un llibre estrany. Era molt gran i gruixut. Les tapes del llibre eren fosques i estaven plenes de pols. El títol del llibre era “ La llegenda del castell encantat”. Ivo and Aitor van buscar una cadira per seure i van obrir el llibre.

Legendary journey – chapter three
 Once inside the house, Ivo saw a picture of his granny. He felt scared and went away. The next day he went back to the house with a school friend, Aitor. In school he was known as the “Brave”. When Aitor opened the house door everything seems to be ok. So, his courage grew and he went inside the house. Ivo was not very sure of going in, but he followed his friend. They visited the castle. The castle has four floors. On the first floor there was a kitchen, a dinning room and a small toilet. On the second floor there were two rooms, a study and another toilet. On the third floor there were six small rooms and a bathroom. On the last floor no one knew what’s inside because no one had been there before.
While they were visiting the castle they realized that everything was very old and most of the things were broken. Suddenly, Ivo saw a strange book. It was very big and thick.  The book covers were dark and dusty. The title of the book was “The Legend Of The Haunted Castle”. Ivo and Aitor looked for a chair to sit on and then they opened the book.

Chapter four
De åpnet boka forsiktig. Arkene var sprø og tørre. De begynte å lese. Det var en fortelling om de tidlige år i slottets historie og alt som hadde skjedd der. Det som fanget interessen deres mest, var en fortelling om en trollmann som ble sperret inne i det øverste slottstårnet etter at han hadde prøvd å utslette alle som bodde i landsbyen og på slottet. Iwo og Aitor kikket ut av det støvete lille vinduet og opp mot tårnet. Var det ikke noe som bevegde seg innenfor vinduet der oppe? De så på hverandre. Alt de kunne høre var fuglesangen utenfor vinduet. Iwo tok opp boken de hadde lest i. Noe falt ut av den. Det var et brev skrevet med skjelvende håndskrift. Aitor leste høyt for Iwo der de satt på stolene ved siden av hverandre: «Jeg er så redd. Alle i familien min og alle vennene mine er bare forsvunnet, den ene dagen var de der, den andre ikke. Det er bare meg igjen i hele den store borgen .Det hviler en forbannelse over stedet. Fuglene synger ikke lenger. Hvor er familien min? Har trollmannen skadet dem? Kommer han etter meg nå? Hjelp meg, en eller annen!»»
Iwo og Aitor stoppet brått opp å lese. Fuglesangen hadde stanset, og det var fullstendig stille. De følte en kulde de aldri hadde følt før. Så falt en stor og sort skygge over dem.

Chapter 5
Ivo ja Aitor katsoivat ylös. He näkivät noidan, joka oli kummallisen muotoinen. Noita taikoi heidät jähmettyneiksi, jotta he eivät pääsisi karkuun. Ivoa ja Aitoria pelotti. Noita vei pojat linnan neljännen kerroksen torniin vangiksi. Siellä ystävykset katselivat ympärilleen ja huomasivat luita maassa. Nurkasta kuului outoa rapinaa ja kun Ivo ja Aitor katsoivat tarkkaan, he huomasivat nurkassa vanhan miehen. Kun vanha mies ymmärsi poikienkin olevan vankeja, kertoi hän heille olevansa kirjeen kirjoittaja. Luut olivat hänen kadonneiden ystäviensä ja perheen jäsentensä jäännökset. Mies pyysi Ivoa ja Aitoria pelastamaan hänet.
Ivo ja Aitor eivät ehtineet tehdä mitään pelastussuunnitelmaa, kun noita tuli jo takaisin. Noita kohotti taikasauvaansa, mutta samassa jotakin tapahtui ja sauva tipahti hänen kädestään. Ivo nappasi noidan taikasauvan ja heitti sen kauemmaksi. Sauva osui kuitenkin noitaan, joka jähmettyi patsaaksi. ” Ehdimmeköhän karkuun ennen kuin noidan taika raukeaa?” Ivo mietti  juostessaan Aitorin ja vanhan miehen kanssa tornin rappusia alas.

Ivo and Aitor looked up. They saw wizard which was very oddly shaped. The wizard made them freeze on their spot on a spell so that they wouldn’t escape. The wizard took them prisoners to the tower of the fourth floor. There the friends looked around and saw some bones on the ground. From the corner they heard strange rustle and when Ivo and Aitor looked very carefully they could see an old man in the corner. when the old man realized that boys were prisoners he told them that he was the one that wrote the letter. The bones belonged to his missing friends and relatives. Man asked Ivo and Aitor to rescue him.
Ivo and Aitor couldn’t make a rescue plan before the wizard came back. The wizard raised his wond but at that moment something happened and the wond fell from his hand. Ivo snatched the wond and threw it further away. Wond hit the wizard who was then frozen as a statue. “Are we able to run away before the spell ends?” Ivo was thinking while running down the steps of the tower.
Legendarna podróż – rozdział szósty
Zobaczyli drzwi frontowe i chcieli wydostać się tak szybko, jak to możliwe… ale nie mogli otworzyć drzwi. Ivo i Aitor przestraszyli się, ponieważ nie wiedzieli, co zrobić. Zaczęli przeszukiwać zamek, bo chcieli znaleźć jakieś wyjście. Zeszli do ciemnej piwnicy. Znaleźli tam kolejne stare księgi. Jedna z nich opisywała rodzinę, która zamieszkiwała w zamku. Ivo zdał sobie sprawę, że jest księciem. Na szczęście za kolejną zakurzoną księgą znaleźli klucz do drzwi wejściowych. Przyjaciele zdołali opuścić zamek.
Ludzie z otaczającej wioski uznali, że Ivo jest księciem i zamek powinien należeć do niego. Trudniej było przekonać lokalne władze. Ivo zdecydował się odbudować zamek, ale nie było to łatwe. Ostatnie piętro pozostało zamknięte. Nikt nie odwiedzał go, ale czasami było słychać stamtąd dziwne głosy. Ivo ożenił się, miał pięcioro dzieci i zamienił zamek w pięciogwiazdokowy hotel. Stary mężczyzna miał tutaj swój włąsny pokój. Zamek stał się sławny na całym świecie. Ivo także stał się znany, ponieważ jego historia zainspirowała  innych, którzy zainteresowali się historią swojej rodziny.

Legendary journey – chapter six
They saw the front door and wanted to escape as soon as possible but… couldn’t open it. Ivo and Aitor became scared because they didn’t know what to do next. They started searching the castle to find the way out. They went down to the dark cellar. There were more old books there.  One of them described the family who lived in the castle. Ivo realized he was a prince. Luckily they found the key to the door behind another dusty book. Finally, the friends managed to leave the haunted castle.
The people from the surrounding village accepted he was the prince and the castle really should belong to him. It was harder to convince the local council. Ivo decided to rebuild the castle but it wasn’t easy. However, the last floor became closed. No one visited it but sometimes some strange voices were heard from this area. Ivo married, had five children and made the castle an amazing five star hotel. The old man had his own room there. The castle became famous all around the world. Ivo became famous too because his history inspired others who started being interested in their family histories. 

środa, 14 grudnia 2016

Bob Claus

Kuldkala saladus

Elas kord kala nimega Bob Klaus. Ta elas ookeani põhjas ühe koralli sees. Ta oli väga kurb, üksik ja vaene kala. Kõik mereelanikud naersid tema üle.
Ühel päeval kuulis Bob kurba uudist, et ta vanemad on püütud võrku. Kala elu oli rikutud. Õnneks Bob ei kurvastanud pikalt, sest ta sai teada, et tema vanaisa on kuldkala. Bob oli väga õnnelik selle uudise üle ning ta otsustas kindlasti vanaisa üles otsida.
Ühel hommikul leidis Bob köögikapi tagant ühe vana luitunud kaardi. Kaarti uurides oli Bobil varsti asi selge. Vanaisa juurde jõudmiseks pidi ta läbima meduuside küla, haide linna ja kurjade krabide koopa.

The secret of the goldfish

Once upon a time there was a fish called Bob Claus. He lived in the bottom of the ocean inside a coral reef. He was very sad lonely poor fish. All the sea inhabitants laughed at him.
One day he heard sad news: his parents were caught in a net. Bob’s life was ruined. Fortunately, Bob didn’t feel sad for long because he heard that his grandfather is a goldfish. He was very happy to hear that and decided to find his grandfather.
One morning when Bob went to kitchen he discovered an old faded map behind the cupboard. While exploring the map everything became clear. To reach his grandfather he has to go through the village of jellyfish, the town of shark and the cave of evil crabs.

Chapter 2:
En Bob va ser molt valent i va anar a parar a la vila de les meduses. Per sort ni li va picar cap. No s’ho va pensar  dues vegades i va entrar al terrible poble dels inquietants taurons carnívors. En Bob va tenir una gran idea. Agafar sang i posar-la fora del poble per poder passar tranquil·lament sense que li mengessin. Quina por va passar el Bob!! I directament es va dirigir cap a la cava dels crancs malvats. Es va trobar una llanterna que posava Gloc Claus i va recordar que el seu avi és deia així. Això volia dir que aquella llanterna era seva. Llavors va decidir entrar a la cova.

Bob was very brave. First he went to the jellyfish village. Fortunately no one bit him. Then he went to the carnivore town of the sharks. Bob had a great idea. He took blood and put it out of the town, so all the sharks smelt the blood and he could cross the town without any problem. He was really scared!! Finally he went to the cave of evil crabs, before coming in he found a lantern that has a name, the name written was Gloc Claus. Then Bob remembered that his granddad name was Gloc Claus. So, that means that the lantern belongs to him. Them he decided to come to into the cave.

Kapittel 3  
Han svømmer forsiktig inn i hulen. Alle krabbene slåss og la heldigvis ikke merke til han.
Bob svømte ubemerket mot en stor dør som måtte åpnes av en levende krabbe sin kro. Det var et skilt på døra som fortalte dette, og det sto også at det var innpasset til gullfiskenes rike. Mens han tenkte ut en plan ble en krabbe kastet mot den store døra. Den gled såpass opp at Bob klarte å svømme inn før den slamret igjen. Men det var ikke så lett og finne bestefaren fordi det var bare gullfisker. Han ropte på bestefaren, men ingen av gullfiskene brydde seg. Han svømte omkring og lette mens han ropte navnet på bestefaren. Så var det som om et stort mørke seg inn i rommet. Bob så ingenting, for vannet begynte å boble veldig. Han kavet med å finne ut hvor han befant seg. Plutselig kom en stor skygge til syne. Alle fiskene rømte med en gang. Bare Bob var fremdeles i rommet, og den store skyggen kom nærmere og nærmere. Bob ble fylt med en skrekk større enn han noensinne hadde følt før.

He swam carefully into the cave. All the crabs were fighting, and luckily they didn't notice him. Bob swam unnoticed towards a big door. To open the door you needed a crabclaw from a living crab. This was written on a sign on the door. It also said that this was the ndoor to the goldfish kingdom.While he was thinking of a plan, a crab was suddenly thrown against the door. The door opened so that Bob managed to slip through the door. It wasn't easy to find the grandfather, because there were a lot of goldfish there. He called his grandfather`s name while he swam around,, but none of the fish seemed to care about him. Then it was like a darkness came into the room. Bob couldn`t see anything, because the water started to bubble a lot. He tried to find out where he was. Suddenly a big shadow appeared. All the goldfish disappeared at once. Only Bob was still in the room, and the big shadow came closer and closer to him. Bob was filled with a fear he had never experienced before.

Bob arveli, olisiko varjo hänen isoisänsä. Eräs korallissa asuva kultakala halusi varoittaa Bobia: “Tule pois sieltä!” Olisiko iso musta varjo kultakalojen kuningas? Varjo tuli lähemmäksi ja se oli kultakalojen kuningas. Kuningas kruunasi Bobin prinssiksi.

Kuningas pyysi uutta prinssiä tulemaan palatsiinsa. Lähestyessään palatsia he huomasivat, että oven eteen oli linnoittautunut pahanilkinen mustekala. Kuningas ja Bob keksivät juonen, jolla saivat mustekalan harhautettua ja lopulta he pääsivät palatsiin sisälle. Palatsin eteisaulassa oli kuvat ja nimet kaikista palatsin kuninkaista. Niitä katsoessaan Bob yhtäkkiä tajusi, että kuningas olikin hänen isoisänsä!

Bob tried to figure out whose shadow it was, perhaps it was his grandfather’s? A goldfish, who lived in the coral, wanted to warn Bob: “Come out of there!” Maybe the big black shadow was the king of the goldfish? The shadow came closer and it was the king of the goldfish. The king crowned Bob as the prince.
King asked Bob to come to his castle. When approaching the castle they saw an evil octopus that was guarding the door to the castle. The king and Bob figured out how to distract the octopus and finally they got into the castle. There were pictures and names of all the kings that had ruled in the castle at the hallway. Watching them Bob realized that the king was his grandfather.

Chapter 5
 “You are the real goldfish, so I would like you to make my three wishes true. I want my own big coral reef, lots of gold and my parents back home.”  Bob said quickly. 
“You have read too many books, I don’t have such power.”
Bob couldn’t believe.
“Really?” - He was moaning – “Oh, no!”
Bob was disappointed and released the luggage that he was dragging on his flipper. Grandfather saw the lantern Bob had taken on the journey. The goldfish looked at it with astonishment  and started waving his flippers.
“Where did you find it?” he asked.
 “It is our heirloom, passed from generation to generation”- Bob answered.
“It is true. Good boy. You hadn’t  left it. Do you know it is magic?”
“No! What’s its power?” asked Bob surprised.
“It can change you into a different fish”.
Bob didn’t think long. He said the spell “I would like to be a shark” as he wanted to set his parents free out of the net. He was becoming bigger and bigger but his grandfather started shouting “Come back to your previous figure. My fish will be afraid of you”. Ashamed Bob hid himself behind a big shell in the castle and fell asleep.

„Jesteś prawdziwą złotą rybką. Chciałbym, żebyś spełnił trzy moje życzenia. Chcę własną rafę koralową, dużo złota i powrotu moich rodziców do domu” – powiedział pośpiesznie Bob.
„Za dużo bajek przeczytałeś. Nie mam takiej mocy”.
Bob z niedowierzaniem patrzył na niego.
 „Naprawdę?”  wyjęczał  „No nie”.
Zniechęcony upuścił bagaż, który dźwigał na płetwie. Dziadek zobaczył starą lampę, którą Bob zabrał w podróż. Zdumiony dziadek zaczął falować płetwami.
„Gdzie znalazłeś ją?” zapytał.
„To nasza pamiątka rodzinna, przekazywana z pokolenia na pokolenie” odpowiedział Bob.
„To prawda. Dobrze, że ją zabrałeś. Czy wiesz, że jest magiczna?
„Nie! Jaką ma moc?” – zapytał zdziwiony Bob.
„Może zamienić Cię w inną rybę”.
Bob pomyślał, że przemieni się  w rekina i uwolni rodziców. Wypowiedział zaklęcie. Stawał się coraz większy, ale dziadek zaczął krzyczeć:
„Wróć do swojej postaci, bo przestraszysz mi wszystkie ryby”.
Zawstydzony Bob schował się w jednym z zakątków zamku za ogromną muszlą i zasnął.