Our school
We are Julia and Wiktoria. We want to tell you something about our school.
It is Szkoła Podstawowa numer 3 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi imienia Adama Mickiewicza w Lubsku (Adam Mickiewicz Primary School number 3 with integrated classes in Lubsko). This school is fifty-four years old. School's headmistress is Ms. Joanna Działa. In our school there are pupils aged six-thirteen. There is also a kindergarten. We have playground and three sports grounds. Our classrooms are colourful and nice just like the rest of our school. Our school has two floors. We are nice and help each other. Each of us do our best and the teachers keep us motivated and they think up interesting activities for us. We also have a library where there are many interesting books, and cafeteria which is also our common room. There are awesome boarding games in there and food is also great. We also have a gym in which we have many gym kits. There is also an IT classroom where there are brand new computers. This classroom is very important to us because thanks to it we get to know about the world around us.
We hope to meet you in person one day.
Hugs and kisses!
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